

Collected Songs, Vol VIII (Hart)

By Fritz Hart

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Medium to high voice and piano, words by Monk Gibbon and William Morris.

  • Five songs of Monk Gibbon, Op. 102
  • 1 Kneel, little child, to God
  • 2 Of a child
  • 3 The little field
  • 4 Innocence
  • 5 The Singer
  • Three songs of William Morris, Op. 81
  • 1 Pomona
  • 2 Flora
  • 3 The Orchard
        Composed 1930 and 1931

        Researched and edited by David Wickham

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        $25.00 for instant PDF download Buy Now

        Collected Songs, Vol X (Hart)

        By Fritz Hart

        Regular price $40.00 Sale

        Medium to high voice and piano, Sonnets by Lizette Woodworth Reese, Christina Rossetti, Alfred Austin and Elizabeth Barrett Browning

        Three songs to Sonnets by Lizette Woodworth Reese, Op. 113

          • White April
          • Comfort
          • Surety

          Three songs to Sonnets by Christina Rossetti, Op. 114

            • Love lies bleeding
            • Remember
            • One certainty

            Three songs to Sonnets by Alfred Austin, Op. 115

              • Love’s wisdom
              • Love’s blindness
              • A sleepless night

              Three songs to Sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Op. 116

                • If though must love me
                • How do I love thee?
                • When our two souls
                      Composed 1935

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                      $30.00 for instant digital download Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Vol. I (Batchelor)

                      By Phyllis Batchelor

                      Regular price $20.00 Sale

                      High voice and piano.
                      • 1. The Wind (Gordon Bottomley)
                      • 2. I dare not ask a kiss (Robert Herrick)
                      • 3. Love is a sickness (Samuel Daniel)
                      • 4. Jacaranda tree (Mary O'Neill)
                      Edited by David Wickham for the Australian Heritage Series.

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                      ISMN 9790720209036

                      $15.00 for instant PDF download: Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Vol. I (Campbell)

                      By Phyllis Campbell

                      Regular price $50.00 Sale

                      23 songs for medium voice and piano.

                      By English poets including Shelley, Rhys, Herrick, Bridges, Moore, de la Mare, Meynell, Keble, Symons, Sitwell and from 15th Century.
                      Date of Composition c.1918 - 1933

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                      ISMN 9790720209371

                      $45.00 for instant PDF download see:Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Vol. II (Campbell)

                      By Phyllis Campbell

                      Regular price $25.00 Sale

                      5 songs for medium voice and piano.

                      By Scotish poet Fiona Macleod.
                      Date of Composition c.1931-32

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                       ISMN 9790720209388
                      $20.00 for instant PDF download see: Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Vol. III (Campbell)

                      By Phyllis Campbell

                      Regular price $45.00 Sale

                      12 songs for medium voice and piano.

                      By Australian poets including: Aldhouse, Stephens, Cuthbertson, Esson, Steven, Campbell.
                      Date of Composition c.1930-1938

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                       ISMN 9790720209395

                      $40.00 for instant PDF download see:Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Vol. IV (Campbell)

                      By Phyllis Campbell

                      Regular price $15.00 Sale

                       For medium voice and piano.

                      Songs from "The Sylvan Clown" by Oscar Küsak
                      Date of Composition c.1928

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                       ISMN 9790720209401
                      $12.00 for instant PDF download see: Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Vol. V (Campbell)

                      By Phyllis Campbell

                      Regular price $50.00 Sale

                      For medium voice and piano.

                      Songs from the Chinese poets including two songs with flute accompaniment.
                      Date of Composition c.1925

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                       ISMN 9790720209418
                      $45.00 for instant PDF download see:Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Vol. VI (Campbell)

                      By Phyllis Campbell

                      Regular price $25.00 Sale

                      For medium voice and piano.

                      10 songs from the German, Austrian and French poets.
                      Date of Composition c.1933

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                       ISMN 9790720209364

                      $20.00 for instant PDF download see: Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Vol. VII (Campbell)

                      By Phyllis Campbell

                      Regular price $40.00 Sale

                      For medium voice and piano.

                      14 songs from the Irish poets
                      Date of Composition c.1919-1938

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                       ISMN 9790720209425

                      $35.00 for instant PDF download see: Buy Now 

                      Collected Songs, Vol. VIII (Campbell)

                      By Phyllis Campbell

                      Regular price $35.00 Sale

                      For medium voice and piano.

                      13 songs from the Japanese poets
                      Date of Composition c.1927

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                       ISMN 9790720209432
                      $30.00 for instant PDF download see: Buy Now

                      Collected Songs, Volume I (Penberthy)

                      By James Penberthy

                      Regular price $35.00 Sale

                      Medium voice and piano.    

                      I fear thy kisses (Shelley)
                      Love's Coming (Neilson)
                      A New Age Anthem (Harwood)
                      Songs of the Baad Tribe (Durack)
                          i  Song for Djamba of the Death
                      Songs of the Yaoro Tribe (Durack)
                          i.   Camp Song
                          ii.  Song of the Turtles
                          iii. Dugong Song
                      Three Songs on poems by Christopher Kotch
                          i.   Winter Midday
                          ii.  Half Heard
                          iii. Shelly Beach
                      Traditional Songs (Shapcott)

                      Researched and edited by David Wickham

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                       ISMN 9790720171531 

                      $30.00 for instant PDF download see:Buy Now