

Forest Magic - CD

By Jeanell Carrigan

Regular price $25.00 Sale

  Jeanell Carrigan (piano)

Piano Miniatures by Australian Composers

Lindley Evans, Frank Hutchens, Mirrie Solomon [Hill], Miriam Hyde, Roy Agnew, Alfred Hill, Hooper Brewster-Jones, Peggy Glanville-Hicks, Josephine Bell, Iris de Cairos-Rego, Esther Kahn

“Faintly shrouded by a gentle mist
The trees within the wood resemble dreams.” (Franz Holford)

In the early 1900s in Australia almost every home contained a piano. A sturdy upright with a metal frame taking pride of place in the parlour and providing hours of entertainment in the form of sing-alongs and musical evenings. Consequently, many songs and a great deal of piano music was composed which could be performed in the home environment, but also many works designed for the concert platform.
On this themed recording there are examples of piano music written by composers who were all born in the nineteenth or very early twentieth century, who lived throughout that century writing music describing their impressions of the world around them. There are works about forests, leafy lanes, mists, and joyful rain. There is a cacophony of bird sounds and just as trees can resemble dreams this music creates dreams and visions.

Cover photograph by Catherine McCorkill

Wirr 109

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[1]    Forest Magic (no date) – Frank Hutchens
[2]    The Leafy Lanes of Kent (1950) – Mirrie Hill
[3]    Dawn (no date) – Linda Phillips
[4]    Woodland Sketch (1966) – Miriam Hyde
[5]    Joyous Rain (1942) – Alfred Hill
[6]    Murmuring Trees (1936) – Josephine Bell
[7]    The Old Gum Tree (1963) – Lindley Evans
[8]    The Elm Tree (1935) – Iris de Cairos-Rego
[9]    Two Little Birds (1944) – Frank Hutchens
[10]  Willow Wind (1973) – Mirrie Hill
[11]  Butterflies (1958) – Linda Phillips
[12]  Rabbit Hill (1928) – Roy Agnew
[13]  Doves (1932) – Alfred Hill
[14]  Midst Heather and Wattle (1949) – Esther Kahn
[15]  Pastoral (1936) – Peggy Glanville-Hicks
[16]  Flight (no date) – Linda Phillips
[17]  Bell Birds (1963) – Lindley Evans
[18]  Noon (1958) – Linda Phillips 
[19]  Blackbird’s Song – Miriam Hyde
[20]  Fragrance (1936) – Lindley Evans
[21]  Wattle Bird in the Garden Hooper Brewster-Jones
[22]  The Distant MagpieHooper Brewster-Jones
[23]  The Peaceful Dove (1923-1926) Hooper Brewster-Jones 
[24]  Hushed is my Garden (no date) – Linda Phillips
[25]  Drifting Mists – Roy Agnew
[26]  Return at Sunset (no date) – Linda Phillips 
[27]  At the Setting of the Sun (1911) – Mirrie Hill
[28]  Evening (1954) – Frank Hutchens                                            

Sheet music and samples are available for many of these works visit:

Lindley Evans
Frank Hutchens
Esther Kahn
Hooper Brewster-Jones
Linda Phillips
Peggy Glanville-Hicks
Mirrie Hill
Josephine Bell
Iris de Carios-Rego
Roy Agnew
Miriam Hyde


Forest Myth

By Linda Phillips

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Flute and piano, c4'35.  Grade: Advanced (8th)

This  work for flute and piano has never been published and on the manuscript, there was no composition date. It belongs to the atmospheric style of works depicting the sounds heard in a forest favoured by Phillips in many of her songs. The work is in ternary form and characterised by an interplay of melodies between the two instruments.

Edited by Jeanell Carrigan
Recorded by James Kortum, flute and Jeanell Carrigan, piano on What Secret Hath the Rose? Wirr 120 available online.

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Forest Over Sea

By Carolyn Morris

Regular price $60.00 Sale

Alto and Bass flute and piano, c.12'00

A work for low flutes repertoire which showcases the singing, lyrical nature of both flutes.  Inspired by the Great Ocean Road in Victoria where the crystal clear ocean is overlooked by lush forest. 
Composed in 2013

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ISMN 9790720133829
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Forever beneath the waves

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.1'40.  Grade AMus
Composed 2003

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Forgotten Forest

By Rod Heard

Regular price $20.00 Sale

For flute, oboe and piano. c. 4'45
Composed 2014 

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ISMN 9790720146430
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Forgotten Lands (Morris)

By Carolyn Morris

Regular price $15.00 Sale

SATB and piano. c.5'00

Suitable for advanced school choirs
Discount for multiple copies contact 

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Forms and Possibilities

By Jonathan Little

Regular price $20.00 Sale

Selected Verse (1983-2003) with an essay on Melancholia "The Muse of Bile".  An appreciation and a defence of the artist's temperament (1999). Includes 16 modern sonnets using antique forms - abounding in rhyme and rhythm.

ISBN 9781876829230


By Linda Dalgliesh

Regular price $25.00 Sale

For flute quartet, c.5'15
Piccolo, two flutes in C and alto flute

The Fortescue River passes through hard desert country; gravel beds and sandbanks shaped by wind and water, isolated deep pools, flat open sections of intertwining river courseways that become sticky with red clay after rain, trees thinly dispersed, or clustered in sheltered pockets around the bases of rocky outcrops.  A quartet of Flutes present the rugged spectacle of this ancient landscape in a series of vignettes, some playful, and others sombre.
Composed 2019

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By Carmelo Galea

Regular price $70.00 Sale

Concert Band, c.2'50
A march intended to be played in a concert-style environment.  Composed 2011

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ISMN 9790720140018
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Four Aboriginal Pieces

By Mirrie Hill

Regular price $20.00 Sale

Piano solos
  • 1.  Brolga, c.2'00
  • 2.  Aboriginal Song, c.0'40
  • 3.  Aboriginal Rhythm, c.0'20
  • 4.  To the Whirlwind, c.1'10
Composition date unknown

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Four Archaic Songs

By Richard Peter Maddox

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Soprano and piano. Grade AMus
Composed 1997-78
  • 1. In Praise of Art, c.2'00
  • 2. To Saint Mary Magdalen, c.2'00
  • 3. A Prayer to the Holy Trinity,  c.2'00
  • 4. Blow, blow thou winter winde, c.1'45

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Four Arias from Les Feluettes

By Kevin March

Regular price $45.00 Sale

Four Arias from Le Feluettes, c.16'00
Libretto by Michel Marc Bouchard and based on the play by Bouchard.

  • Je t’écris à même l’eau, c.4'00
  • Valse de feu, c.5'00
  • Je croyais avoir oublié ça, c.4'00
  • C’était un matin d’hiver, c.3'00

Composed 2016

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    ISMN 9790673143043

    $30.00 for instant digital download score Buy Now