
Composers and Authors

Composers' Series, The - Volume 2(a) Piano Solos (Hesse)

By Marjorie Hesse

Regular price $50.00 Sale

Marjorie Hessie (1911-1986)

13 piano solos from 1932 to 1966 are represented in this collection and includes  biographical notes about the composer, editorial and performance notes about each piano composition, the scores and a recording by Jeanell Carrigan of all works in the hard copy.

Hesse’s compositional output almost completely consists of piano compositions which are mostly pedagogical works written for juveniles. Many of these were utilised by the AMEB and were almost all published.Original publishers included Augener, Allans, Leeds, Palings and Nicholson’s. Hesse being an experienced teacher knew which elements to exploit in her compositions to instruct students in the best technical methods.

More comprehensive biographical notes are within the volume which also includes a CD of all the works.

Researched and edited by Jeanell Carrigan

Volume 2(a): Marjorie Hesse

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ISMN 9790720226675
$35.00 for instant PDF download Buy Now


As part of 'The Composer's Series' many of these works have been recorded by Jeanell Carrigan on a CDs: Nostalgia (Wirr080); Reverie (Wirr 106)

Composers' Series, The - Volume 2(b) Educational Piano Works (Hesse)

By Marjorie Hesse

Regular price $50.00 Sale

Marjorie Hessie

41 pieces for solo piano  are represented in this collection and includes  biographical notes about the composer, editorial and performance notes about each piano composition and the scores.

Marjorie Hesse was a performer, but like many performers earned the bulk of her income from teaching, and later examining, piano students. The bulk of her compositions are for students – mainly those she taught herself - and those works are dedicated to individuals by name. She wrote for students of different levels of attainment and her works all had a pedagogical focus. The focus was sometimes a technical one but often was aimed at increasing musical or tonal awareness. The works in this volume have been ordered by difficulty level beginning with the very basic works for piano.

Researched and edited by Jeanell Carrigan

Volume 2(b): Marjorie Hesse

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ISMN 9790720226682
$35.00 for instant PDF download Buy Now

Composers' Series, The - Volume 2(c) Piano Duets (Hesse)

By Marjorie Hesse

Regular price $35.00 Sale

Marjorie Hessie

5 pieces for piano duets are represented in this collection and includes  biographical notes about the composer, editorial and performance notes about each piano composition and the scores

Researched and edited by Jeanell Carrigan

Volume 2(a): Marjorie Hesse

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ISMN 9790720226699
$25.00 for instant PDF download Buy Now

Composing Against the Tide

By Jeanell Carrigan

Regular price $45.00 Sale

Early twentieth century Australian women composers and their piano music.

There were a relatively large number of women born in Australia between 1860 and 1915 who became composers of piano music. For many of them this was not an easy task. They did not always receive encouragement. Certainly many could not earn a living at this creative work and they battled not only the gender inequality that still largely exists today but also against musical fashion and trends that their works did not always reflect, as well as the backlash which came from being born into a ‘colonial’ country.  This is their story.

Australian Heritage Collection - the piano works of these women have been published in three volumes as researched and edited by Jeanell. Each volume contains a CD of the works within. 

A CD Nostalgia has been released with many of these works recorded by Jeanell.  It was featured as ABC Classic FM "CD of the week", November 2016. 

All piano works available online - Australian Heritage Collection Volumes I, II, III

ISBN 9781876829421

I Thought I Heard a Magpie Call

By Margaret Schindler/Philip Mayers

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Heritage Australian Art Songs

Margaret Schindler (soprano), Philip Mayers (piano)
The collection covers a wide ground.  Some of these songs were never intended to be considered as High Art; written for relatively uncritical consumption, they and others of their sort were aimed at the home music market, at times when singing together around the piano was a common evening pastime. An all-pervading sense of innocence prevails, maybe reflective of the publishing strictures of the times. Choosing the material for this recording was a journey of rediscovery for the artists which resulted in representative appraisals of a past revisited, and you will find amongst the acknowledged classics the sort of tunes some may primly dismiss as too light a fare. 
Choosing the name for this CD was not hard.  Ask any Australian abroad what remembered sound most triggers their nostalgia, and the inimitable rusty-gate chortle of the magpie will usually be the answer.  [extracts from the liner notes by Philip Mayers]
Wirr 076  

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1 Mopoke (Alfred Hill)
2 A Bush Bird in a Blue Gum Tree (Horace Gleeson)
3 There's a Whisper in the Air (May H Brahe)
4 The Piper from Over the Way (May H Brahe)
5 The Fairy Bridge (Alfred Hill)
6   The Call of the Maytime (May H Brahe)
7   Idyll (Then Comes the Dawn) (Olive Ingall)
8   The Pixie Piper Man (Leslie Elliott)
9   In Spite of All (Mirrie Hill)
10  Lovely Morning (Horace Gleeson)
11  The Thrush (Edith Harrhy)
12  My Bird Singing (Mirrie Hill)
13  Spring Mirth (John Villaume)
14  By the Moongate (John Villaume)
15  You came to me in May (Edith Harrhy)
16  Flowers of Sleep (Roy Agnew)
17  Come Sleep (Peggy Glanville Hicks)
18  I Thought I Heard a Magpie Call (Alfred Hill) 
19  A Little Town (Alfred Hill)
20  Bush Silence (William G James)
21  An Australian Lullaby (Edith Harrhy)
22  Brown Bird (John Villaume)
23  I Heard a Sound of Singing (Mirrie Hill)
24  In Early Green Summer (Marjorie Hesse)
25  Down Sunlit Glades (Mirrie Hill)
26  A Pastoral Madonna (Dulcie Holland)
27  Summer is Dying (Edith Harrhy)
28  Autumn Leaves (Edith Harrhy)
29  In Early Green Summer (Marjorie Hesse)
30  If I Should Make a Garden (Louis Lavater)
31  Our Friend (Alfred Hill)
32  Nature's Requiem (John Villaume)

Nostalgia CD

By Jeanell Carrigan

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Jeanell Carrigan (piano)

Alfred Hill, the Australian composer is reputed to have said “To me there are only two kinds of music - good or bad. All old music has at one time been modern and all modern music will one day become old so why worry? Time is a great critic that puts them in their place”. 
The piano compositions on this recording have been deliberately chosen because of their beauty, their inherent musicality, the craft and skill of the composers and their appeal to the listener. Not considered in their selection was any decision based on whether the style was the fashion at the time of their composition. All of the composers on this recording are Australian women who were born between 1862 and 1915.
To support this recording, Dr Jeanell Carrigan has researched and compiled three volumes of scores of these and additional piano works, most of which have not previously been published.  These volumes, together with individual CDs, are available online.

Wirr 080

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1   A Water Colour (Katherine Parker)
2   The Watermill (Ester Kahn)
3   The Lake (Dulcie Holland)
4   Pastorale (Peggy Glanville Hicks)
5   Country Dance (Iris de Cairos Rego)
6   Prelude No. I (Florence Donaldson Ewart)
7   Prelude No. II (Florence Donaldson Ewart)
8   Prelude No. III (Florence Donaldson Ewart)
9   Prelude (Phyllis Batchelor)
10  Sarabande (Phyllis Batchelor)
11  Dithyramb - a ballet (Margaret Sutherland)
12  Ballerina (Miriam Hyde)
13  Arc-e Ciel (Katherine Parker)
14  The Ballerina (Marjorie Hesse)
15  Gavotte (Mona McBurney
16  Waltz in E (Iris de Cairos Rego)
17  Echo de Vienne (Esther Rofe)
18  Valse Gracieuse (Marjorie Hesse)
19  Marche Grotesque (Una Bourne)
20  Melody in Ab (Mary Bowden)
21  Miniature Variations on a Theme in A minor (Esther Rofe)
22  Ritsel (Meta Overman)
23  Will o'the Wisp (Mirrie Hill)
24  Prelude (Mirrie Hill)
25  Fun (Mirrie Hill)
26  Meditation (Nellie Cuddigan)
27  Nocturne for Piano (Dulcie Holland)
28 Nocturne (Katherine Parker)

Reverie - CD

By Jeanell Carrigan

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Jeanell Carrigan (piano)

Piano music by Australian Women
Iris de Cairos-Rego, Kitty Parker, Una Bourne, Marjorie Hesse

The painting on the front cover is a work called “Daydream” which was painted in 1895 by Australian artist Jane Sutherland. Jane Sutherland (1853-1928) was part of the Heidelberg school.

Jane Sutherland was also the aunt of Margaret Sutherland who has rightly earned the title “The Matriarch” of Australian composition. It is therefore completely appropriate that the artistry of this wonderful Australian woman painter should grace the recording which highlights the wonderful musical artistry of these four Australian women composers of piano music. Iris de Cairos-Rego, Una Bourne, Kitty Parker and Marjorie Hesse all had a great deal in common. Firstly, they were all born in Australia between 1880 and 1911. Iris de Cairos-Rego was born in Sydney in 1894, Una Bourne in Mudgee in 1882, Kitty Parker in 1886 in Parknook, Cressy, Tasmania and Marjorie Hesse in Brisbane in 1911.

All four women were dubbed as child prodigies due to their prodigious musical talent showing itself very early in life. As well as these factors all the women trained initially as pianists and later worked as teachers to earn the bulk of their living, passing on their incredible musicality and skills to many up and coming musicians. Iris de Cairos-Rego taught for many years at Frensham school in Mittagong, from 1935 until 1951, remaining as part of the school community until her death in 1987. Marjorie Hesse was a long-term member of the piano staff at the NSW Conservatorium of Music. Una Bourne was associated with the University of Melbourne, even providing a scholarship for women pianists and Kitty Parker had many private students.

The Loud Mouth - Music Trust Review

Wirr 106

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[1]   Nocturne (1925) Kitty Parker
[2]  Happy Morning (c.1941) Iris de Cairos-Rego
[3]   All Suddenly the Wind Comes Soft (1932) Marjorie Hesse
[4]   Graneen Vale (1944) Iris de Cairos-Rego  
[5]   Petite Valse-Caprice Una Bourne
   Four Musical Sketches (1928) Kitty Parker
[6]    A Patchwork of Shadows 
[7]    Down Longford Way 
[8]    One Summer’s Day
[9]    Red Admiral  
[10]  Albatross (1933) Iris de Cairos-Rego  
[11]  Papillons Una Bourne          
[12]  Romance (1947) Marjorie Hesse
[13]  Two Impressions no. 1 (c.1927) Una Bourne
[14]  Two Impressions no. 2  (c.1927) Una Bourne 
[15]  La Pastourelle (c.1961) Marjorie Hesse
[16]  English June (1941) Iris de Cairos-Rego 
[17]  Firelight (1933) Iris de Cairos-Rego
[18]  Humoresque (c.1927) Una Bourne 
[19]  Waltz in E (1933) Iris de Cairos-Rego
[20]  Nocturne (c.1926) Una Bourne
[21]  Twilight (1937) Marjorie Hesse  
[22]  Reverie (1957) Iris de Cairos-Rego

Sheet music and samples are available for all these works visit:

Iris de Carios-Rego
Kitty Parker
Una Bourne
Marjorie Hesse