
Piano Advanced Grades

Poco Meno Mosso

By Michael Hannan

Regular price $10.00 Sale

Piano solo

The Italian expression "poco meno mosso" (a little less motion) is a standard performance direction in classical music. Accordingly the first movement ("Poco") is very short, the second ("Meno") is even shorter, and the last ("Mosso") is very animated. All three movements of this pandiatonic (white keys only) work use similar intervallic ideas.  Composed 2016

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ISMN 9790720209173

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By Alan Hinde

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.5'30.  Advanced grade
Composed 1980

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ISMN 9790720172958
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Poem - solo piano for right hand

By Miriam Hyde

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Solo piano for Right Hand, c.2'40.  Grade 7
Composed 1973

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 ISMN 979072040322

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POSH Piece

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Solo Piano, c.1'10, Grade LMus
Composed 2008.

Recorded by Jeanell Carringan on Wind Chimes (Wirr 049) available online

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ISMN 9790720078687
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By Ann Carr-boyd

Regular price $20.00 Sale

Piano solo.  c.4'00.   AMEB grade 7/8
The work consists of two contrasting musical textures.  The first features a vigorous theme shared by left and right hand and should be played with strongly accented rhythms. The second, and contrasting, texture consists of a quicker motif again shared by both hands.  Composed 1987 rev. 2006

Also see an album of seven similar pieces In the Mood

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ISMN 9790720126692
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Prelude and Fuga Chromatica

By Tony Wheeler

Regular price $12.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.2'10.  Diploma level
This Prelude and Fugue are homage to Bach and Shostakovich.

Originally published as part of the Wirripang Australian Piano Anthology 2011 edited and recorded by Katie Zhukov
Composed 2010

Recorded by Katie Zhukov on Australian Piano Anthology for the 21st Century - Vol. One (Wirr 045) available online

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 ISMN 9790720227443

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Prelude for the Right Hand

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.4'40.  Grade 8 

Recorded on the CD Bundanon, by Jeanell Carrigan (Wirr 023)

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ISMN M720078021
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Prelude in D flat major for left hand

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Piano for left hand, c4'55
Composed 2022

Recorded by Jeanell Carrigan on Simply Beautiful Wirr 123.  Available online

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Prelude Intime

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $10.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.2'40, Grade LMus
Composed. 2009 

Recorded by Jeanell Carringan on Wind Chimes (Wirr 049), available online

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  1. Prelude Intime - sheet music
  2. Prelude Intime - audio

ISMN 9790720093185
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Prelude to Play

By Betty Beath

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.1'50.  Grade: 8

This virtuosic piece constantly surprises with quick changes of mood and figuration. It is challenging on many levels: unconventional scales and intervals, changing rhythm patterns, varied articulation, sudden dynamic and tempo changes all happening at a quick pace. Once mastered, it will prove to be a very impressive piece in performance!

Composed 2010

Edited and recorded by Katie Zhukov for the Wirripang Australian Piano Anthology, Book 3  available online

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 ISMN 9790720227764

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Prelude, Pavane and Nocturne

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Three movements for solo piano, c.8'0, Grade LMus
Composed 2008

Recorded by Jeanell Carringan on Wind Chimes (Wirr 049), available online

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ISMN 9790720078670

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Qi Colour from Hidden Resonances

By Bruce Crossman

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.5'00.  Advanced

The work was inspired by the Chinese literati philosophy where subtle hidden sounds of yun sit alongside more robust qi energy. Hidden half timbres from rubber-stopped and finger-dampened strings, as well as silently undampened strings as resonators for attack dyad resonances gradually build to and decay from juxtaposed colour blocks of sound strewn across wide resonances as a type of qi inspired energy.

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ISMN 9790720106014
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