

Valzer Rimoldi

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $12.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.2'30. Grade AMus
Composed 2016

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ISMN 9790720171081
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Variations in C minor on a Theme

By Miriam Hyde

Regular price $40.00 Sale

Piano solo.   Grade LMusA
Composition 1931

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 ISMN 9790720164441

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By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.3'47.  Grade AMus
Composed 2009

Recorded by Jeanell Carringan on Wind Chimes (Wirr 049) available online

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ISMN 9790720093789
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Vine Trellis, The

By Miriam Hyde

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Piano Solo.  c. 1'45. Grade AMusA
Composed 1988

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 ISMN 9790720164397

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Vision of Mary MacKillop, The

By Miriam Hyde

Regular price $20.00 Sale

Piano solo optional voice, c.3'00. Grade AMusA
Composed 1992

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 ISMN 9790720164427

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Voice of the Depths

By Peter Mcnamara

Regular price $55.00 Sale

Piano, percussion and pre-recorded electronics,  includes CD.

Russell Keats, eldest son of the Australian composer Horace Keats, was killed during the attack on his ship HMAS Canberra  (1) during 1942. His father and entire family was devastated by this event, and Horace Keats composed a very solemn and reflective song in memory of his son entitled Over the Quiet Waters. Voice of the Depths is composed for piano, percussion and pre-recorded electronics, and follows the story of Russell Keats during his deployment on the  Canberra. Spoken passages of text from the letters sent home to his family, read by his brother Brennan Keats, outline and initiate the structural points of the work. The pitches from the central motif of Over the Quiet Waters form its harmonic basis, and are used as fundamentals from which other pitch material is derived from their physical-acoustic properties. These physical-acoustic properties are used to synthesise sounds in the electronic component of the work, and are re-enforced in the piano and vibraphone parts. A speaker is also directed into the piano internal mechanism to agitate the strings creating sympathetic vibrations at various points. This results in a subtle reverberation effect that blends with the electronic reverberation and creates deceptive tone colour transformations.
Composed 2015

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ISMN 9790720167954
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Voices in the Sky

By Michael Hannan

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Solo piano.  Professional performance

In this piece the composer has attempted to impose strict controls upon quite limited materials but at the same time, has tried to create in places, a kind of reckless flamboyance.  Composed 1980 rev 1987.

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ISMN 9790720140223
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Vuillard Suite, Op.76

By Victor Morrison

Regular price $40.00 Sale

Six pieces for solo piano.

Reflections on Nabi paintings by Édouard Vuillard (1868-1940)The collection is beautifully presented by the composer to include the paintings of Vuillard illustrated as in the titles below.

  • 1.  The Tea Garden in The Grand Teddy, c.2'00
  • 2.  The Garden at Vaucresson, c.3'30
  • 3.  La Salle Clarac, c.1'55
  • 4.  The Public Gardens, c.2'05
  • 5.  Woman In A Striped Dress, c.3'20
  • 6.  Place Vintimille, c.2'20

Composed 2020

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ISMN 9790720231068

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Waltz Alternating

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $10.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.3'45.  Advanced grade
Composed 2017

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Waltz Awaiting

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.3'10. Advanced level of difficulty
Composed 2015

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Waltz Collection, The

By May Howlett

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Four waltzes for solo piano, grades: 3-4

  • 1. The Waratah Waltz, c.2'20
  • 2. The Butterfly Waltz, c.2'18
  • 3. Silver Skates Waltz, c.1'35
  • 4. The Satellite Waltz, 1'50

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ISMN 9790720209661

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Waltz Nocturne

By Phillip Wilcher

Regular price $10.00 Sale

Solo piano, c.3'30
Composed 2018

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