

I am Shut Out of Mine Own Heart (Brennan)

By Horace Keats

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Soprano and piano, c.5'30,

  • Grade: Lic.Dip
  • Genre: Neo classical
  • Date: 1937
  • Tempo: Moderato, a Brennan love poem, in the words of the composer, one;"Of yearning, and longing..."

 Words by Christopher J. Brennan. 

Recorded by Jane Parkin and Clemens Leske on A Poet's Composer (Wirr 040) - sample here - and Wendy Dixon and David Miller on Echo both CDs available online

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      ISMN M720007151

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      I Had No Human Speech

      By Ross Fiddes

      Regular price $15.00 Sale

      For low voice and piano, c.4'45.

      Words by Roland Robinson

      In setting the poem, the composer has endeavoured to capture in music, the poet’s picture of the solitude and grandeur of the Australian outback. 

      Composed 1971, rev. 2021

      Music samples and complete audio tracks

      (The singer is US mezzo, Karen Quicker)

       ISMN 9790673140639

      $8.00 for digital download Buy Now

      I Thought I Heard a Magpie Call

      By Margaret Schindler/Philip Mayers

      Regular price $25.00 Sale

      Heritage Australian Art Songs

      Margaret Schindler (soprano), Philip Mayers (piano)
      The collection covers a wide ground.  Some of these songs were never intended to be considered as High Art; written for relatively uncritical consumption, they and others of their sort were aimed at the home music market, at times when singing together around the piano was a common evening pastime. An all-pervading sense of innocence prevails, maybe reflective of the publishing strictures of the times. Choosing the material for this recording was a journey of rediscovery for the artists which resulted in representative appraisals of a past revisited, and you will find amongst the acknowledged classics the sort of tunes some may primly dismiss as too light a fare. 
      Choosing the name for this CD was not hard.  Ask any Australian abroad what remembered sound most triggers their nostalgia, and the inimitable rusty-gate chortle of the magpie will usually be the answer.  [extracts from the liner notes by Philip Mayers]
      Wirr 076  

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      1 Mopoke (Alfred Hill)
      2 A Bush Bird in a Blue Gum Tree (Horace Gleeson)
      3 There's a Whisper in the Air (May H Brahe)
      4 The Piper from Over the Way (May H Brahe)
      5 The Fairy Bridge (Alfred Hill)
      6   The Call of the Maytime (May H Brahe)
      7   Idyll (Then Comes the Dawn) (Olive Ingall)
      8   The Pixie Piper Man (Leslie Elliott)
      9   In Spite of All (Mirrie Hill)
      10  Lovely Morning (Horace Gleeson)
      11  The Thrush (Edith Harrhy)
      12  My Bird Singing (Mirrie Hill)
      13  Spring Mirth (John Villaume)
      14  By the Moongate (John Villaume)
      15  You came to me in May (Edith Harrhy)
      16  Flowers of Sleep (Roy Agnew)
      17  Come Sleep (Peggy Glanville Hicks)
      18  I Thought I Heard a Magpie Call (Alfred Hill) 
      19  A Little Town (Alfred Hill)
      20  Bush Silence (William G James)
      21  An Australian Lullaby (Edith Harrhy)
      22  Brown Bird (John Villaume)
      23  I Heard a Sound of Singing (Mirrie Hill)
      24  In Early Green Summer (Marjorie Hesse)
      25  Down Sunlit Glades (Mirrie Hill)
      26  A Pastoral Madonna (Dulcie Holland)
      27  Summer is Dying (Edith Harrhy)
      28  Autumn Leaves (Edith Harrhy)
      29  In Early Green Summer (Marjorie Hesse)
      30  If I Should Make a Garden (Louis Lavater)
      31  Our Friend (Alfred Hill)
      32  Nature's Requiem (John Villaume)

      I Will Build My House in the Water (4th C Chinese)

      By Horace Keats

      Regular price $15.00 Sale

      Soprano and piano c.1'50,

      • Grade: 6 (TCL) and Grade 4 (AMEB D List), included on the Trinity/Guildhall Singing Syllabus.
      • Genre: Neo classical
      • Date: 1936
      • Tempo: Marked Andante, this song is about two lovers passing the time of day oblivious to all else.

      Recorded by Jane Parkin and Clemens Leske on A Poet's Composer (Wirr 040)
      and by Wendy Dixon and David Miller on Songs from Australia (Wirr 001) both CDs available online

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      ISMN M720041056

      $10.00 for instant PDF download Buy Now

      If Music be the Food of Love (Shakespeare)

      By John Martin

      Regular price $10.00 Sale

      High voice and piano, c.2'20
      Words by William Shakespeare. Composed 2017

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      ISMN 9790720209555

      $6.00 for instant PDF download see:Buy Now

      Illawarra Flame, The (Francis)

      By Miriam Hyde

      Regular price $12.00 Sale

      Medium voice and piano, c.1'30

      Poignant song especially for Anzac Day services.
      Words by Patricia Francis. 
      Composed 1954

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      ISMN 9790720101942
      $10.00 for instant PDF download:Buy Now

      In the Nape of a Dream (E) (Wilcher)

      By Phillip Wilcher

      Regular price $12.00 Sale

      Soprano and piano, c.2'30
      Words by the composer. 
      Composed 2016.

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      ISMN 9790720171050
      $10.00 for instant PDF download Buy Now

      In the Nape of a Dream (F) (Wilcher)

      By Phillip Wilcher

      Regular price $12.00 Sale

      Soprano and piano, c.2'30
      Words by the composer.
      Composed 2016.

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      ISMN 9790720171067
      $10.00 for instant PDF download Buy Now

      In the Rose Garden

      By Miriam Hyde

      Regular price $55.00 Sale

      A collection of 17 songs for high to medium voice and piano Includes CD of all works by soprano, Wendy Dixon and pianist, David Miller, who have also recorded 27 songs by Miriam Hyde on Fire in My Heart (Wirr 044) - available online.

      Print music also available for individual songs, view first page of each song by individual song entries.

      1    The River and the Hill (Henry Kendall) c.2'58
      2    Nightfall by the River (W Allder Morrison) c.4'32
      3    Laughter (Hilda Hammond-Spencer) c.1'36
      4    The Illawarra Flame (Patricia Francis) c. 3'06
      5    Anzac Threnody (Dorothea Dowling) c. 2'16
      6    Dawn Service (Mary Bertram) c.2'48
      7    In the Rose Garden (Marjorie Kenna) c.1'18
      8    The First Boronia (Miriam Hyde) c.2'27
      9    Leaves in the Wind (Miriam Hyde) c.1'49
      10  The Apple Tree (Patricia Hackett) c.2'00
      11  My Sorrow Stirs (Hilda Hammond-Spencer) c.4'02
      12  Prayer for Rain (Miriam Hyde) c.3'06
      13  Late June (Valerie Barton) c.1'52
      14  Winter Willow Music (Miriam Hyde) c.2'17
      15  Thoughts at Dusk (Miriam Hyde) c.1'58
      16  A Song of Autumn (Adam Lindsay Gordon) c.1'55
      17  Twilight Beach (Dorothea Dowling) c.3'33

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      ISMN 9790720115351
      $50.00 for Instant PDF download:dBuy Now

      In the Rose Garden (Kenna)

      By Miriam Hyde

      Regular price $12.00 Sale

      High voice and piano, c.1'00
      Words by Marjorie Kenna. 
      Composed 1946.

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      ISMN 97907204101743

      $10.00 for Instant PDF download:Buy Now

      In this Garden (Cox)

      By Betty Beath

      Regular price $35.00 Sale

      Cycle of five songs for mezzo-soprano and piano. Grade 7/8
      Composed 1999

      Words by David Cox
      1. Spider, c.1'20
      2. Butterflies, c.2'10
      3. Worm, c.2'20
      4. Snail, c.1'40
      5. Sparrow, c.1'20

      Recorded on the CD Music of Betty Beath, Wirr 024, available online

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       ISMN M720065571

      $30.00 for instant PDF download  Buy Now

      In What Other Places Do You Live? (Henderson)

      By Horace Keats

      Regular price $15.00 Sale

      Soprano and piano, c.3'00

      • Grade: 8
      • Genre Neo Classical
      • Date: 1941
      • Tempo: Marked Andante, crochet equals 90. A setting of a love poem likening the poet's love to all that is beautiful in nature.

      Words by Russell Henderson.  Composed 1941

      Recorded by Jane Parkin and Clemens Leske on A Poet's Composer (Wirr 040) available online

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      ISMN M720007335

      $10.00 for PDF instant download Buy Now