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Diana Blom

Drawing Inflorescence

Drawing Inflorescence

Regular price $25.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 AUD
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For solo piano. Grade 8 to AMus/LMus

The title and influences for this work come from two sources. First, the exquisitely detailed botanical illustrations y Elizabeth Cooper of the Australian rainforest tree, Stenocarpus sinuatus (Firewheel Tree), with its distinctive wheel-like inflorescences and mature fruits and seeds, shaped the work, the sound gestures and the sustain pedal as ‘sound brush’ colouring specified notes and note groups. The second influence was Deanna Petherbridge’s book, The Primary of Drawing (2010), which explains and illustrates technical drawing terms such as pentimento, grisaille, chiaroscuro, parerga, reverso, ébauche and line itself. Several of these have been drawn into the work. A companion piece for piano and toy piano (one player), Drawing Firewheels, exploressimilar sound concepts. The work was written for pianist, Michael Kieran Harvey, who gave its first performance.
Composed 2016

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